Parameter Identification and On-Line Estimation of a Reduced Kinetic Model


In this work, we present the estimation techniques used to update the model parameters in a reduced kinetic model describing the oxidation-reduction re- actions in a hydrothermal oxidation reactor. The model is used in a nonlinear model-based controller that minimizes the total aqueous nitrogen in the reac- tor effluent. Model reduction is accomplished by com- bining similar reacting compounds into one of four component groups and considering the global reac- tion pathways for each of these groups. The reduced kinetic model developed for thk reaction system pro- vides a means to characterize the complex chemical reaction system without considering each chemicaJ species present and the reaction kinetics of every pos- sible reaction pathway. For the reaction system under study, model reduction is essential in order to reduce the computational requirement so that on-line imple- mentation of the nonlinear model-based controller is possible and also to reduce the amount of a priori information required for the model

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