Lead zirconate titanate on base metal foils: An approach for embedded high-K passive components


An approach for embedding high-K dielectric thin films into polymer packages has been developed. Pb{sub 0.85}La{sub 0.15}(Zr{sub 0.52}Ti{sub 0.48}){sub 0.96}O{sub 3} thin films were prepared by chemical solution deposition on 50 {micro}m thick Ni-coated Cu foils. Sputter deposited Ni top electrodes completed the all base-metal capacitor stack. After high temperature N{sub 2} crystallization anneals, the PLZT composition showed reduction resistance while the base-metal foils remained flexible. Capacitance density and Loss tangent values range between 300 and 400 nF/cm{sup 2} and 0.01 and 0.02 from 1 to 1,000 kHz respectively. These properties represent a 2 to 3 order of magnitude improvement over available embedded capacitor technologies for polymeric packages

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