
Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dengan Pendekatan Inkuiri pada Peserta Didik Kelas IV SD


The title of this Research is the increase in the Natural Sciences Learning Activities Inquiry Approach In The Fourth Grade Students of SDN 16 mamal Bonti. Research aims to improve learners' learning activity in learning science through inquiry approach with the help of the media surrounding natural environment. Methods and betuk used is descriptive research TOD form. Research subjects are 9 people learners class IV consists of 3 men and 6 women who have difficulty learning science. The results of data analysis showed that after being given the inquiry approach to learning with students who were not initially active at a time when learning to be an active and individual learners also scored above the standard KKM (> 60), through an inquiry approach to learning will be able to grow in positive attitudes among students science learning as habits of cooperation, attitude sting work, each issued and opinion among fellow students, dared to be independent, and thoughtful, and learners are able to take advantage of any kind of plant to meet the needs in their daily lives as both drugs and other needs as well as possible

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    Last time updated on 12/02/2018