
BLUSUKAN: Menelisik Gaya Kepemimpinan Nizam Al-Muluk


: Blusukan: In Search of the Style of Nizam al-Mulk's Leadership. In running the government, many a leaderopt to practice what popularly known as blusukan, i.e. going to and meeting the lower section of the society in person in order to understand the real problems of the grass root society. Popular in Indonesian context only in recent times, blusukan ­has in fact a deep root in Muslim Political history. The Great Nizam al-Mulk of Saljuk Dynasty practiced it as part of his leadership. This article discusses blusukan as practiced by Nizam al-Mulk and tries to see its relevance to contemporary Indonesian political leadership. Blusukan has some merits: it allows a leader to receive first-hand and right-from-the-spot knowledge; accurate information and knowledge help to formulate an accurate solution; and it facilitates a strong psychological tie between the leader and his subjects. Apparently these three aspects are of utmost important in the reality of contemporary Indonesian leadership

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