
Correlation Between Quality of Nutritional Workers Services and Patient's Satisfaction in Nutritional Services for Inpatient at Kajen General Hospital of Pekalongan District


Nutritionist services to third-class inpatients in Kajen district general hospital (RSUD) of Pekalongandistrict were not according to what was expected. This was cause by unsatisfaction of patients or theirfamily members regarding: meals that were not served in time; meal presentation that was notinteresting; and nutritional staffs who did not care, were not responsive, and were unpolite. Objectiveof this study was to identify association between perception on service quality of nutritional staffs andpatient satisfation toward nutritional service in the third-class inpatient rooms.This was an analytical survey with cross sectional approach. Data were collected through interviewguided by structured questionnaire. Independent variables were perception on validity,responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, and direct evidences. Dependent variable was patient satisfactory toward nutritional services. The number of study samples was 135 subjects selectedusing consecutive sampling. Data analysis was done by applying Spearman Rank correlation forbivariate analysis, and by applying multiple linier regression for multivariate analysis.Results of the study showed that 59.3% of respondent's perception on validity were good; 61.5% ofrespondent's perception on responsiveness were good; 56.3% respondent's perception on assurancewere good; 50.4% respondent's perception on empathy were good, 65.2% of respondent's perceptionon direct evidence were good; and 58.5% of respondent's satisfaction were satisfactory towardnutritional service. Results of bivariate analysis showed significant associations between patientsatisfaction toward nurtritional service and validity, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and directevidence (p< 0.05). Result of multivariate analysis showed that the most influencing factor towardpatient satisfaction was perception on the direct evidence (B= 0.230). Hospital management issuggested to improve customer service assistance and training to nutritional staff

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    Last time updated on 28/11/2017