
Hubungan Dinamika Populasi Tungau Panonychus Citri Dengan Kandungan Senyawa Atsiri Pada Buah Jeruk Manis Dan Jeruk Besar


. Istianto, M. 2009. Relationship Between Population Dynamic of Panonychus citri and VolatileCompounds on Sweet Orange and Pummelo Fruit. Panonychus citri is one of the important citrus pests in Indonesia.One of the key success for controlling the population of this pest is understanding the relationship between this miteand its host. Previous study showed that limonene and linalool influenced the biology and reproductive capacity of P.citri. The objectives of this research were to understand the relationship between population dynamic of P. citri andfluctuation content of dominant volatile compounds on sweet orange and pummelo. The research was conducted onpummelo orchard in Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research Institute, and sweet orange orchard in KusumaAgrowisata Batu Malang from April to September 2004. Observation was carried out to find out the dynamic of P.citri population and the content of dominant volatile compounds of sweet orange and pummelo. The data obtainedwere analyzed with multiple regression. The results showed that limonene and linalool have highly influence onpopulation dynamic of P. citri. On sweet orange, the effect of limonene and linalool indicated high value at adjustedr square with value of 0.943 with regression equation Y= 218,829 - 2,412 X1+ 5,987 X2 (X1=limonene, X2= linalool).Limonene showed negative effect while linalool showed positive effect to P. citri population. Population of P. citriwas lower and steady on pummelo with higher content of limonene and lower content of linalool, so that negativeeffects of limonene to P. citri were more dominant. These results give an alternative technologies to control P. citripopulation by manipulating secondary metabolite content inside the plant

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    Last time updated on 16/11/2017