
Hubungan Dismenore Dengan Aktivitas Belajar Remaja Putri Di SMA Kristen I Tomohon


: One of the menstrual disturbance that cause discomfort physical is dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that is felt in the lower abdomen and radiates up into the pelvis that can interfere with daily activities. One of the activities that can be interrupted is a learning activity. Dysmenorrhea is often experienced by young women who are in the productive age. The research ever conducted shows that dysmenorrhea can lower a woman's quality of life for example, students who experience dysmenorrhea decreased concentration will study due to menstrual pain that is felt (Ningsih, 2011). Purpose. This research conducted to determine The Relation Of Dysmenorrhea With Learning Activities Teen Daughter At Christian High School Tomohon. Research methods is survey analytic by design research cross sectional. Population. The captured population is teen daughters at christian high school I Tomohon with total sample 132 people, determination samples with purposive sampling techniques. Data obtained through questionnaire is a conecction between dysmenorrhea with learning activities teen daughter At Christian High School Tomohon. Results of statistical tests using the test initially chi square with boundaries that have been prepared. This research in using analysis test statistic chi square and obtained value p = 0,000 < alpha = 0,005, which means Ho rejected. But because requirements test chi square unfulfilled and test used is test the alternative is fisher and obtained value p = 0,000 < alpha = 0,005 which means Ho rejected. The conclusions of this research are a relation of dysmenorrhea with learning activities teen daughter at Christian High School Tomohon

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    Last time updated on 18/10/2017