
Peningkatan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Pada Kelas X Apk SMKN 8 Jember Tahun Ajaran 2016-2017 Dengan Model Learning Cycle (Lc) Disertai Lks Multirepresentasi


This research related on improved Physical activity and results of Learning Student at Class X APK SMNK 8 Jember academic year 2016-2017 Model With Learning Cycle accompanied LKS Multirepresentasi. The purpose of this research were: (1) to describe the increased activity of studying physics class X APK SMKN 8 Jember 2016-2017 school year by using model LC with LKS multirepresentasi, (2) to describe the learning outcome physics class X APK SMKN 8 Jember 2016-2017 school year by using model LC with LKS multirepresentasi. This research is anaction research, so the research is done by action research method. Design of this research is using Hopkins cycle. Data collection technique of this research are documentation, observation, test, and interviews. The data analysis used N-gain. The results showed that activities learned from the pre cycle to cycle 1 was increased by N-Gain 0.32 while on pre cycle to cycle 2 was increased by N-Gain 0.5. In the second cycle increased in the medium category. Learning outcomes from the pre cycle to cycle 1 was increased by N-Gain 0.5 while on a pre cycle to cycle 2 was increased by N-Gain 0.6. In the second cycle increased in the medium category.   Keywords: Learning Cycle (LC) Accompanied LKS Multirepresentasi, Student's Physics Learning Activities, The Cognitive Learning Physics Student

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    Last time updated on 18/10/2017