
Pencitraan Selebritas Politisi di Blog Kompasiana


Most people have become unacceptable with celebrities who are turned into politician; because people considered them just take the advantage of politics with their popularity. This study aims to determine how Kompasianer (member of the blog Kompasiana) imaged celebrity politician who became a candidate in the election of the Governor and the Vice Governor of West Java in 2013. Researcher collect 29 post in blog Kompasiana based on 3 time periods: pre-campaign, campaign, and post-campain. These posts analyze with the Critical Discourse Analysis method, with a text element model approach Teun Van Dijk. This model approach is elaborated into the structures and text elements. This study found that celebrities become a great factor in the election of Governor and Vice Governor of West Java 2013, and Rieke Diah Pitaloka is the most popular candidate. Kompasianer imaged the political celebrities subjectively and objectively. Subjective image is the expression of Kompasianer emotion aboout those 3 celebrities (like/dislike, agree/disagree. The objective image is the perception about those celebrities by the cognition of Kompasianer. This potray using two measuring devices, namely: impressions and beliefs. Based on the research results, the researchers concluded that the subjective and objective imagery is largely due to media coverage of the celebrity in question. This image then becomes difficult to remove even celebrities have long been in the political world

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    Last time updated on 19/08/2017