
Perbedaan Metode Ijtihad Nahdlatul Ulama Dan Muhammadiyah Dalam Corak Fikih Di Indonesia


There were different orientation in the background and methodsof ijthad between Bahtsul Masail Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) andMajelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah (The Muhammadiyah Legal AffairsCommittee). The ijtihad orientation of Bahtsul Masail emphasizes oncultural approach to maintain the previous values that have been good,and take the new values better. This approach accepts local cultureand wisdom as part of the past products that has no conflict with al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, or by changing the content of culture and localwisdom with Quranic and Sunnah content. This approach is differentfrom the ijtihad orientation model developed by Majelis TarjihMuhammadiyah called "tajdid". With this approach, Majelis TarjihMuhammadiyah attempts to recover and purify Islam according to itsoriginal teachings. With its popular jargon "Back to the Qur'an andal-Sunnah" seeks to purify Islam from contamination of Takhayyul,Bid'ad (Heresy) and Churafat (TBC).The differences on ijtihad orientation between Bahtsul MasailNU and Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah had an impact on thedifference of ijtihad methods used. The ijtihad method of BahtsulMasail more conservative and walk to the progressive-moderateatmosphere by trying to adjust the changing of socio-cultural ofcommunity, through the use of ijtihad method Qouly, Ilhaqy, Taqriry,and Manhajy. While the ijtihad method used by Majelis TarjihMuhammadiyah moves towards Progressive-Dynamic atmosphere byusing contemporary ijtihad method like Bayani, ta'lili, and istishlahiwith an interpretation approach At-tafsir al-ijtima'i al-mu'asir(hermeneutic), at-Tarikhiyah (historical), as-Susiulujiyyah(sociological) and; al-antrubulujiyyah (anthropological) and usingijtihad techniques Ijma', Qiyas, Masalih mursalah, and Urf

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    Last time updated on 19/08/2017