Overview of the bump-magnet system at the LANSCE proton storage ring


An upgrade program for increasing the stored beam current in the Proton Storage is presently under way. A part of the upgrade is the design and installation of a four-magnet beam-bumping system used for phase-space painting and minimizing interaction of the stored beam with the injection stripper foil. This paper describes the bump- magnet system including the relevant beam requirements, magnet specifications, power-cable specifications, pulsed-modulator requirements, and beam-tube eddy-current effects. The magnets are ferrite window-frame magnets with saddle windings. The series-pass pulsed modulators are programmable both in rise and fall time as well as amplitude. The peak current can be varied between 50 and 300 A. The pulsed-current rise-time is fixed at 1 ms, and the linear fall- time during which beam is injected into the ring can be varied between 0.5 and 1.5 ms

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