Recent results from hadronic observables at the CERN SPS


Some recent results on Pb+Pb collisions from NA44 and NA49 at the CERN SPS are reviewed and compared to collisions of lighter systems and lower energies. For central collisions: primordial protons show enhanced stopping for Pb+Pb relative to S+S at the same energy, but less stopping than heavy systems at lower energy; yields of negative hadrons, kaons and lambdas scale with the number of participants relative to S+S; and transverse momentum spectra show strong evidence for enhanced radial flow in the heaviest system. For intermediate impact parameters, significant quadrupole deformation of the transverse energy distribution is seen at mid-rapidity. Coulomb effects are seen for central collisions in the ratio of yields {pi}{sup -}/{pi}{sup +} and unlike-sign two particle correlations

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