Measurement of Aerodynamically Induced Blade Distortion on a Shrouded Counter-Rotating Prop-Fan


Blade deformation on a 1 m diameter composite fan rotor is measured simultaneously using stereoscopic image pattern correlation technique (IPCT) and blade-tip imaging. Absolute referencing of the blades is made possible by simultaneously tracking a marker on the hub using a fourth camera. Illumination is provided by microsecond pulses of high-power LEDs. Rise and fall time in the 100ns regime are achieved using a self-designed high-current drive circuit. A high-speed microcontroller provides accurate, speed-independent angular delays to enable phase-locked triggering of cameras and LEDs. Mean and RMS deformation of the blade are acquired for different aerodynamic loading conditions induced by imposing a non-uniformity upstream of the rotor aimed at mimicking boundary layer ingestion

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