La conoscenza e la vita. Il giovane Scheler tra filosofia della vita e fenomenologia


The work aims to shed light on a phase of Max Scheler's intellectual journey that is as little studied as it is relevant: namely the phase which follows his abandonment of the Neo-Kantian approach (around 1907) and precedes his conversion to phenomenology (around 1910). Emphasis is put on the dynamism of Scheler's thought, namely on its internal development, its turning points, and elements of continuity. Within this path, the theme of life seems to offer the most fruitful insights: Scheler repeatedly reflects on this concept and each time with different perspectives. At the beginning of the 20th century 'Philosophy of life' emerges as a key figure in German culture and, at the same time, as a fundamental interlocutor for Scheler. However, according to Scheler the new importance of the concept of life could not obscure the need for philosophy to strive for objective knowledge. It is thus by focusing on the conceptual pair 'life and knowledge' that he interacted with some of the most relevant philosophical debates of his time

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