Measurements of MeV photon flashes in petawatt laser experiments


Planar targets illuminated by the Petawatt laser system emit directed beams of photons with energies of MeVs. The laser pulses have durations of 0.5 or 5 psec, on target energies in excess of 100 joules, and focal-spot sizes that vary from 10 to 100 µm, producing peak intensities greater than 1019 watts/cm;2. Arrays of PIN diodes, dosimeters and nuclear-activation detectors measure the angular distributions of photons with energies greater than 0.5 MeV. The PIN diodes, with 1 cm2 by 500-µm sensitive volume, are housed in lead pigs with 2.5-cm thick walls. Measured emission intensities have been as high as 5x1013 (gamma) MeV/steradian. The angular distributions are highly directed in forward directions, with significant variations on a shot-to-shot basis. Backward radiated intensities tend to be more than a decade lower than in forward direc

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