Gösterim yoluyla öğrenen bir kapalı-devre hareket yaratma sisteminin insansı bir robotta gerçekleştirilmesi.


In this thesis the action learning and generation problem on a humanoid robot is studied. Our aim is to realize action learning, generation and recognition in one system and our inspiration source is the mirror neuron hypothesis which suggests that action learning, generation and recognition share the same neural circuitry. Dynamic Movement Primitives, an efficient action learning and generation approach, are modified in order to fulfill this aim. The system we developed (1) can learn from multiple demonstrations, (2) can generalize to different conditions, (3) generates actions in a closed-loop and online fashion and (4) can be used for online action recognition. These claims are supported by experiments and the applicability of the developed system in real world is demonstrated through implementing it on a humanoid robot.M.S. - Master of Scienc

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