Prawne gwarancje wolności sumienia i wyznania w III Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej zarys problematyki


The religious liberty and freedom in the Third Republic of Poland in penal and civil law the outlineThe article is a try to trace how in Poland, where political and legal system transformed after 1989, religious liberty was shaping – the religious liberty as well for Catholics, that are a major part of the society, as for the national and ethnical minorities. The analysis of the chosen legal acts, basic for religious liberty in the Third Republic of Poland, suggests that authorities in new Poland have secured the broad religious liberty and freedom of consciousness as well as Constitution from 1997 created a new system of relations between the state and the confessional associations. All confessional associations have received equal status and the Constitution has guaranteed the division between church and state. Both legal acts defined the wide rights of an individual arising from the religious liberty and freedom of consciousness. The article shows also the range of religious liberty for the religious minorities living in Poland. It discusses the procedures of registration of confessional associations. The author touches the issue of protection of religious liberty that is described in Constitution as well as in penal and civil law.The religious liberty and freedom in the Third Republic of Poland in penal and civil law the outlineThe article is a try to trace how in Poland, where political and legal system transformed after 1989, religious liberty was shaping – the religious liberty as well for Catholics, that are a major part of the society, as for the national and ethnical minorities. The analysis of the chosen legal acts, basic for religious liberty in the Third Republic of Poland, suggests that authorities in new Poland have secured the broad religious liberty and freedom of consciousness as well as Constitution from 1997 created a new system of relations between the state and the confessional associations. All confessional associations have received equal status and the Constitution has guaranteed the division between church and state. Both legal acts defined the wide rights of an individual arising from the religious liberty and freedom of consciousness. The article shows also the range of religious liberty for the religious minorities living in Poland. It discusses the procedures of registration of confessional associations. The author touches the issue of protection of religious liberty that is described in Constitution as well as in penal and civil law

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