Catastrophic stress corrosion failure of Zr-base bulk metallic glass through hydrogen embrittlement


Zr-base bulk metallic glasses (BMG) are prone to pitting corrosion in halide containing solutions and also stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is often interpreted in this context. This work presents in situ SCC experiments on notched Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5 (at.%) BMG bars under 3-point bending in dilute NaCl solution. They show that pitting corrosion is only the initiating process. The pitted areas have a lower local corrosion potential and the reaction of Zr4+ to zirconyl ions in solution produces H+ that can be reduced and absorbed in the local acidic environment. So, hydrogen embrittlement causes the observed catastrophic failure and peculiar fracture surface characteristics. © 2019 The Author

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