Application of PC's and Linux to the CDF Run II level-3 trigger


For Run II, the CDF Level-3 trigger must provide a sustained input bandwidth of at least 45 MBytes/set and will require processing power of at least 45000 MIPS to perform the necessary reconstruction and filtering of events. We present a distributed, scalable architecture using commod- ity hardware running the Linux operating system. I/O and CPU intensive functions are separated into two types of nodes; �converter� nodes receive event fragments via ATM from Level 2 computers and distribute complete events to �processor� nodes via multiple fast ethernets. We present re- sults from a small-scale prototype roughly equivalent to a 1/16th vertical slice of the final system. With this hardware we have demonstrated the capability of sustained I/O rates of 15 MBytes/set, more then three times the required baseline performance. We discuss PC hardware and Linux software issues and modifications for real time performance

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