Development of inventories to measure the personal and professional growth of administrators and teachers of O.P. - Siena schools under the CS-SD program


The study is on the development of inventories to assess the personal and professional growth of the administrators and teachers of O.P.-Siena schools as provided for in the personnel development cycles. It aims to develop an evaluation instrument specifically termed as Administrator Inventory Test and Teacher Inventory Test. The researcher made use of modified Criterion-Referenced Test Development by Roid and Haladyna (1982) to develop a preliminary form of Administrator and Teacher Inventories. The use of this model facilitated the construction, refinement and validation of the said instrument. The first group of subjects who participated in this study were the administrators which included school heads, College Deans, Principals, Assistant Principals, Subject Area Coordinators or Chairmen, and Coordinators of Student Activities. The other group is composed of faculty members from the grade school, high school and college departments. There were 57 respondents from the first group and 134 respondents from the second group. The development of inventories to assess the personal and professional growth of administrators and teachers went through the following process: 1. Identifying the different domains in measuring the personal and professional growth of the administrators and teachers based on the O.P.-Siena Schools Foundations Manual, Administrative Development Manual and the Faculty Handbook. 2. Determining the content validity of the inventories through logical review. 3. Determining the expected performance standard of the administrators and teachers after having undergone the different development cycles. 4. Finding the reliability coefficient of the nine sections of the administrator inventory and ten sections of teacher inventory. 5. Determining the percentage of the items acceptable for the final form of the inventories after having gone through logical and empirical review. The nine domains for the administrator inventory and ten domains for the teacher inventory were reflective of the expected behavior of the administrators and teachers of the schools under the CS-SD program because these domains were drawn from appropriate manuals and handbooks of the O.P.-Siena schools and were cooperatively prepared by the researcher and some administrators and teachers of O.P.-Siena schools under the CS-SD program. The inventories possessed the content validity as determined through logical review by experts/consultants on instrumentations and CS-SD program. There was no significant difference between the schools in cycle 1 and schools in cycle 2 which was most probably brought about by the design of the program. The number of remaining discriminating items for both administrator and teacher inventories were adequate enough in terms of content coverage and length for testing purposes. The inventories have high reliability coefficients. There was the internal consistency of the items and consistency of measurement

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