Processing and properties of Ag-clad BSCCO superconductors


Long lengths of mono- and multifilament Ag-clad BSCCO (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O) conductors with critical current densities of >10{sup 4} A/cm{sup 2} at 77 K were fabricated by the powder-in-tube method. {Tc} magnets were assembled by stacking pancake coils fabricated from long tapes and then tested vs applied magnetic field at various temperatures. A magnet that contained {approx}2400 m of {Tc} conductor generated a field of 3.2 T at 4.2 K. In-situ tensile and bending properties of the Ag-clad conductors were studied. Multilayer Ag/superconductor composites were fabricated by chemical etching. Preliminary results with multilayer tapes show that continuous Ag reinforcement of the BSCCO core improves strain tolerance of the tapes so they can carry 90% of their initial I{sub c} at 1% bend strain desite a higher superconductor/Ag ratio than that of unreinforced tapes

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