Spatially fractionated microirradiation of normal CNS and gliosarcomas of the rat with synchrotron photons: Cell and tissue lesions; Raeumlich fraktionierte Mikrobestrahlung von normalem ZNS und Gliosarkomen der Ratte mit Synchrotron-Photonen: Zell- und Gewebelaesionen


Rats were implanted intracerebrally with 9L gliosarcoma cells were used to experimentally determine the curative effectiveness of synchrotron radiation produced by the National Synchrotron Radiation Source. Radiation was delivered in beams with each ray 25 micrometers thick and arranged in an array of 4 mm corners. All experimental animals receiving the gliosarcoma cells and not treated died within four weeks. Treated animals surviving 113 days were sacrificed and their brains were examined histologically

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