Production cost model of the multi-jet-fusion technology


© IMechE 2019. The paper presents a model of the production costs of the multi-jet-fusion technology that is based on a model of production costs of the selective laser sintering technology. The model is developed using the methodology of analysis of the event-driven process chain, which consists of modeling, batch assembly, setup, building, removal, and blasting activities. Production costs of each of the activities are separated to direct (labor, material, and energy) costs and indirect (equipment, overheads, and other indirect) costs. The developed model represents a basis for the development of algorithms and software tools for the calculation of the production costs of the multi-jet-fusion technology, since it defines all the necessary inputs and calculation procedures that enable the calculation of the total costs of a batch of products. Besides, the paper presents a procedure for the estimation of production costs that are attributed to a single product or product type.The authors wish to acknowledge the support of European Commission through the project “Advanced design rules for optimal dynamic properties of additive manufacturing products – A_MADAM”, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 734455

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