The relationship between preoperative and postoperative anxiety, and patient satisfaction in preparation for elective surgery [Elekti·f cerrahi· hazirliginda preoperati·f ve postoperati·f anksi·yeteni·n hasta memnuni·yeti· i·le i·li·şki·si·]


Background and Objectives: Using the questionnaire investigations for determining the quality of anesthesia is not a new method in anesthesiology investigations. In spite of that, there are a few studies evaluating patient satisfaction related to anesthesia, and most of them are limited with daily studies. In this study, we aimed at reducing the reasons for the anxiety of anesthesia, measuring the preoperative and postoperative anxiety levels and investigating the relationship between patient satisfaction and anxiety of the patients who undergo elective surgery. Material and Methods: In the study, 120 patients of 14-65 years, who applied for elective surgery between April 2007-July 2007 were included. In this study, data was collected by using the state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI), and a questionnaire composed of 12 questions whose purpose was to determine the reasons about anxiety of anesthesia, and QoR-40 questionnaire which quantifies the quality of postoperative recuperation. The patients were seen during the preoperative and postoperative periods and were asked to fill in the questionnaire forms. Results: Preoperative anxiety levels were found to be higher in women compared to men (p< 0.05). The reasons which caused the highest anxiety were not to awake after surgery (42.5%), postoperative pain (26.7%) and staying at intensive care unit (26.7%). It was identified that QoR- 40 satisfaction scores, and STAI-I and STAI-II points had a negative low correlation (r= .-32, p < 0.001 and r= .-27, p< 0.001), whereas QoR- 40 satisfaction scores, and postoperative STAI-I had a negative medium level correlation (r= .-57, p< 0.001), respectively. Conclusions: It was concluded that the preoperative anxiety levels were higher in women than men, and the most frequently reasons of anesthesia anxiety were not to awaken, postoperative pain and staying at intensive care unit. In addition, preoperative anxiety was found to have relationship with postoperative patient satisfaction and pain control

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