Czy choremu z mostkiem mięśniowym nad tętnicą wieńcową należy zalecić zaniechanie uprawiania ekstremalnych wysiłków? Przypadek chorego z podwyższonym stężeniem troponiny I po wysiłku


Elevated levels of cardiac troponins are an established method of diagnosis of heart muscle necrosis. A case of a long distance amateur-marathon runner, who showed significant elevation of plasma troponin I after extreme physical effort is reported. The diagnostic examinations did not reveal atherosclerosis burden, but myocardial bridging of coronary artery. The authors describe the significance of the pathology in the view of extreme sport effort performed by the described patient.Elevated levels of cardiac troponins are an established method of diagnosis of heart muscle necrosis. A case of a long distance amateur-marathon runner, who showed significant elevation of plasma troponin I after extreme physical effort is reported. The diagnostic examinations did not reveal atherosclerosis burden, but myocardial bridging of coronary artery. The authors describe the significance of the pathology in the view of extreme sport effort performed by the described patient

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