BIOMECHANICS OF RUNNING - Electromyographic Analysis of the Hip during Jogging, Running and Sprinting


The patterns of muscle action during human locomotion have been investigated for several decades. Lower extremity electromyographic activity in walking was investigated by Bartholomew and the Prosthetic Research Group at Berkeley in 1953. (1) Others investigated the actions of specific muscles during various leg movements. Basmajian and LeBan et al. (6) examined the electromyographic action of the iliopsoas muscle. These studies have led to the investigation of running. Saito et aI., (10) presented temporal data on the gait cycle of running. James and Brubaker (5) presented a descriptive analysis of running. Other researchers have directed their work toward sprinting: Fenn (4) investigated frictional and kinetic factors in 1930, and Dillman (3) and Ralph Mann (7) used kinetic analysis. Mann and Hagy (9) and Mann et aI. (8) investigated temporal and electromyographic patterns of walking, running and sprinting. This study investigates and describes the electromyographic activity ofthe lower extrJmities and trunk musculature duringjogging, running, and sprinting

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