International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS)
INTRODUCTION: This project consisted of the development and application of the Ariel APASview software to dynamically view simultaneous EMG, kinematic, kinetic, forceplate data, graphs, AVI video and 3-D StickFigures for clinical, sport and ergonomic applications.
Visual observation and cinematographic records are typically utilized to perform biomechanical analyses of sports techniques, clinical evaluations of pathological movement, and ergonomic analysis. The use of permanent cine and more recently videographic records permit the observer to increase the frequency of the visually freezing the motion and replaying the movement for subsequent analysis. However, these earlier procedures did not allow for simultaneous integration of multiple views and the display of the numerical/graphical data for the observed human movement. Technological developments in hardware and software currently facilitate the integration of video, force plate, and EMG data. This dynamic integration of video, 3-D stick figures, numerical and graphical data Provide a powerful tool for visually syn-chronized analysis of sport, clinical, and ergonomic movements