Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence in Teaching English as Foreign Language


This research aims to find out how the pedagogical competence of teachers in learning English as a foreign language at MTs. Negeri Model Sorong City. The theory that the researchers examined as the basis of this research was the concept of pedagogic competence, definition of teacher, the objective of pedagogic competence, teaching and learning English as foreign language, the objective of learning English, and teacher classroom management. The research was conducted at MTs Negeri Model Sorong City 2022. The approach used was a qualitative with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used were interviews and questionnaires. The instrument in this research was the researchers themselves assisted by some colleagues assisted by using interview guidelines, questionnaires sheet, and recording devices. The role in the research was the researchers themselves, some students, and English teachers at the school. The result of this research shows that the English teachers’ pedagogical competence was good enough quality. It was shown that the teachers fulfill the scope of the pedagogical competence of the teachers. This is also supported by the acquisition of percentage or average results from questionnaire data 8.9% in aspect of understanding of students, 10.2% in aspect of learning planning, 10.6% in aspect implementation of educative and dialogical learning, 5.8% in aspect utilization technology of learning, 9.5% in aspect evaluation of learning outcomes, 7.3% in aspect development of student potential, 10,7% in aspect understanding of education insights or foundations, and 9.9% in aspect development of curriculum or syllabus

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