The highly growth on semiconductor manufacturing field makes the expertise on the
semiconductor manufacturer industry keep on struggle to create higher speed, smaller,
highly integrated and more reliable and powerful chips for various needs. The new
technology in making chips process continuously developed to produce goods
semiconductor. Product and process optimization was a crucial part in manufacturing
production line to produce high volume throughput with reducing in lead times,
engineering changes and development cost but with higher quality. Engineering
particularly decisions be the most important side in making the process properly in
reaching the zero defect target. Every single thing has to be concerned, whether it is from
technical parts to managerial parts in order to ensure the process going smoothly and
efficiently with excellent quality. For this project, I am going deeper inside the chips
assembling process whereby the post Ultra Violet curing process on Die Attach film,
DAF tape have been experimented by using Taguchi approach for the process to produce
better chips on stacked die package. An application of experimental design, based upon
the works of Dr.Genichi Taguchi was conducted at the die attach film (DAF) curing
operation. The experiment focused on parameter design, the determination of the DAF
operation parameters that significantly affect the quality and semiconductor chip
reliability ofthe wafer mounted on wafer ring during curing and selecting the optimum
parameter level combination. In semiconductor manufacturing industry, the usage of
epoxy resin bleed is no longer convenient in producing thin die stacked package with
high volume. Hence, industry in about to move to the Die attach film (DAF) tape type to
replace with the epoxy resin bleed. The new process should the tape go through is UV
curing process, indeed the characteristics ofthe tape adhesion affecting much to yield and
quality. Parameter optimization has resulted to a reduction in die defects and adjustment
of the mean to the nominal of zero defects for all the quality characteristics.
Continuations on the optimizing UV curing DAF tape process is moving on with the
inspection data gathered which is die shear strength, top and flip side chipped and tape
residue whiskering. Furthermore, evaluation effect onto the process which is the die shear
strength test, inspection has been taken into account particularly. Proper planning on the control factors and responses for the process were managed accordingly by using Taguchi
approach for necessary information. Implementation of the optimum condition has
resulted to about 50% reduction of defects and failures