ミドリクウカン ニ オケル オンガク ノ チョウシュ ガ ガンキュウウンドウ オヨビ カイフクカン ニ オヨボス エイキョウ ─リュウコウキョク ノ シコウ ニ チュウモク シタ エイゾウ ニ ヨル ケントウ─


本研究は,イヤホン・ヘッドホン(以下,オーディオ機器)によって流行曲を聴きながら植物を含む景観(以下,緑空間)の映像を見ることによる眼球運動と回復感への影響を,流行曲の嗜好に注目して明らかにすることを目的として行なった。研究参加者に,緑空間の映像を映像と同時に記録された音とともに視聴する処理区(以下,対照区)と,流行曲とともに視聴する処理区(以下,流行曲区)の2処理区を提示した。対照区と流行曲区について,視聴中の眼球運動の測定と日本語版回復感指標による回復感の評価を行なった。得られたデータは高嗜好群と低嗜好群に分けて分析した。眼球運動測定の結果,流行曲区において,低嗜好群は高嗜好群よりも映像を注視していないことが認められた。回復感の評価の結果,高・低嗜好群ともに緑空間を見る際に流行曲区を聴くことで心理的な安らぎが得られなくなることが示唆された。また,低嗜好な流行曲区により,心理的な集中力に影響を与えることが推察された。以上の結果より,生理的な休息を目的として緑空間を利用する際に,イベントや園内放送等で低嗜好な音楽が聴こえると,期待する効果が得られない可能性があると推察された。一方,心理的な安らぎを目的として緑空間を利用する場合,嗜好に関わらず流行曲を聴くことにより,期待する安らぎや回復感を得られない可能性があることが示唆された。これらの知見は都市緑地などの緑空間を音に配慮して設計する際の基礎的情報となるものである。The purpose of this study was to clarify eye movement and the restorative effect of listening to popular music using audio equipment (earphones, headphones) alone in a scene that includes plants, referred to as green space hereafter, to focus on the preference of popular music. The participants in the experiment were subjected to two experimental treatments. In the first treatment, the participants viewed a green space video with matching sound that was recorded with the video (Control treatment) and in the second treatment, the participants viewed the green space video while listening to popular music, (Popular-music treatment). Eye movement of participants was measured during Control treatment and Popular-music treatment. Furthermore, the restorative effect after both experimental treatments was assessed by the Restorative Outcome Scale Japanese Edition. The obtained data was analyzed separately for high-preference group and low-preference group. As a result of eye movement measurement, it was confirmed that the individuals in the low-preference group watched the video less intensely than those in the high-preference group subjected to Popular-music treatment. The assessment of restorative effect indicated that the psychological relaxation effect was lost in both the high- and low-preference groups when Popular-music treatment accompanied the video. In addition, it was concluded that the low-preference and Popular-music can affect one’s concentration. The effects of listening to popular music in the green space was comprehensively discussed. In this study, the state of using audio equipment in the green space was considered equivalent to the state of listening to high-preference incongruent sound in the green space. In contrast, listening to low-preference incongruent sound in the green space was considered as the state of hearing low-preference popular music in the green space such as from an event or broadcasting in the park. When one intends to use the green space for the purpose of obtaining physiological rest, it is speculated that the expected physiological rest may not be obtained by listening to low-preference music coming from events or broadcasting in the park. On the other hand, when one uses the green space for the purpose of psychological relaxation, it is inferred that the expected relaxation and restorative effect cannot be obtained by listening to popular music. These findings provide basic information on designing a green space such as urban green space considering the effect of sound

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