Incrementally Maintaining the Number of l-cliques


The main contribution of this paper is an incremental algorithm to update the number of ll-cliques, for l3l \geq 3, in which each node of a graph is contained, after the deletion of an arbitrary node. The initialization cost is O(nωp+q)O(n^{\omega p+q}), where nn is the number of nodes, p=l3p=\lfloor \frac{l}{3} \rfloor, q=l(mod3)q=l \pmod{3}, and ω=ω(1,1,1)\omega=\omega(1,1,1) is the exponent of the multiplication of two nxnn x n matrices. The amortized updating cost is O(nqT(n,p,ϵ))O(n^{q}T(n,p,\epsilon)) for any ϵ[0,1]\epsilon \in [0,1], where T(n,p,ϵ)=min{np1(np(1+ϵ)+np(ω(1,ϵ,1)ϵ)),npω(1,p1p,1)}T(n,p,\epsilon)=\min\{n^{p-1}(n^{p(1+\epsilon)}+n^{p(\omega(1,\epsilon,1)-\epsilon)}),n^{p \omega(1,\frac{p-1}{p},1)}\} and ω(1,r,1)\omega(1,r,1) is the exponent of the multiplication of an nxnrn x n^{r} matrix by an nrxnn^{r} x n matrix. The current best bounds on ω(1,r,1)\omega(1,r,1) imply an O(n2.376p+q)O(n^{2.376p+q}) initialization cost, an O(n2.575p+q1)O(n^{2.575p+q-1}) updating cost for 3l83 \leq l \leq 8, and an O(n2.376p+q0.532)O(n^{2.376p+q-0.532}) updating cost for l9l \geq 9. An interesting application to constraint programming is also considered

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