Bridging the gap - linking remote sensing, in-situ and laboratory spectroscopy


Sample return provides us with “ground truth” about the visited body, verifying and validating conclusions that can be drawn by remote sensing (both Earth-based and by spacecraft) and via landed instruments on other bodies. The detailed investigation of the mineralogy and geochemistry of Ryugu plays a fundamental role in the understanding of its formation processes, and thereby gather further knowledge about the building blocks of the solar system. Based on the preliminary data from remote sensing measurements and laboratory-based measurements, Ryugu is rich in hydrated carbonaceous chondrite (CC) like material and more specifically it is very similar to Ivuna-like (CI) carbonaceous chondrites [1]. These meteorites are characterized by a high abundance of phyllosilicates and organic matter [2], which makes them have a low albedo. However, Ryugu seems to be even darker than CIs, as well as being more porous and fragile [1]. Back in August 2022, the Institute of Planetary Research at DLR (Berlin) received a fragment retrieved by the Hayabusa2 mission from asteroid Ryugu. The fragment assigned to us for analyses is sample A0112, from chamber A. Our investigation is based on two main goals. The first goal is to address a fundamental challenge in the interpretation of remote sensing data which was seen during the initial analysis of the Hayabusa 2 samples. Observations of planetary surfaces using spectroscopy have shown subdued contrast compared to measurements performed under laboratory conditions on analog materials. A strong focus of the work performed at PSL over the last decade has been to understand - and if possible minimize – the difference between laboratory and remote sensing observations (e.g. [3, 4, 5, 6]). Simulating the conditions on the target body as well as accurately reproducing the observing geometries have gone a long way towards that goal, however differences remain. A suggested explanation is the difference between terrestrial analog materials including even meteorites and the surfaces of planetary bodies. With Ryugu samples this hypothesis can be tested further, leading to a deeper understanding of the link between laboratory and remote sensing observations and thus benefiting not only the analysis of Hayabusa 2 data but of all remote sensing observations of planetary surfaces using spectroscopy. The second goal building on this is an investigation of the mineralogy and organic matter of the samples collected by Hayabusa 2, to better: a) understand the evolution of the materials characterizing asteroid Ryugu and therefore advance our knowledge of the mineralogy of the protoplanetary disk and organic matter (OM); b) investigate the aqueous alteration that took place in the parent body that lead to its current chemical and mineralogical characteristics; c) compare the results with data collected from pristine carbonaceous chondrite meteorites rich in hydrated minerals and organic matter

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