Urban regeneration and new welfare. For a reconfiguration of the Network of public services for health


The metropolization processes of the contemporary city show a complex scenario: the contradictions induced by globalization effects, physical degradation, socioeconomic marginality, environmental fragility, new population instances, overlap the genetic anomalies of Italian cities, highlighting a new urban question. That question underlies generalised conditions of marginality, social inequality and poverty and in the current health emergency require a new urban welfare to guarantee fundamental rights to local communities, including the right to health, becoming the goal of an integrated and inter-scalar strategy. The regeneration strategy assumes the public city both as a physical matrix of reference, network of tangible and intangible networks, to guarantee a capillary territorial distribution, and as a framework of the coherence for structural choices. In this context, the paper presents some reflections starting from research activities carried out by the authors, who face, in term not merely emergency, the urgency of a reconfiguration of the public city components structure within the Network of public services for health. In contrast with the current organizational model and in coherence with the interactive and inclusive connotation of the new concept for urban welfare construction, that reconfiguration considers physical-territorial dimension as a structural framework. At the same time it requires new indicators, tools, implementation mechanisms, to substantiate the urban regeneration notion and implement a concrete policy of planning and production of services

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