The Departement of Population Control and Family Planning Role’s In Reducing Fertility In Parepare, South Sulawesi


The program of family planning is an important policy to reduce fertility rate in Indonesia. The Departement of Population Control and Family Planning (DPPKB) has a major role in running the program in Parepare. DPPKB has the main task of carrying out the government affairs which have the authority of the region in the population control and family planning area. The Covid-19 pandemic has been the cause of the increase in the fertility rate in city of Parepare in recent times, so need to known what DPPKB program’s to solve the problem. One of program of DPPKB to solve the problem is KB village.  This study uses qualitative research methods. Based on the research conducted by DPPKB Parepare has carried out its role effectively by carrying out door to door counseling and improving services in health public facilities

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