Perceived Benefits of Adoption of Improved Rice Production Technologies Among Small – Scale Farmers in Kogi state, Nigeria.


The study examined the benefits of adoption of improved rice technologies among small – scale rice farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to; describe the socio – economic characteristics of the rice farmers, assessed farmers' level of adoption of improved rice technologies, identify the rice farmers’ sources of agricultural information and source of information preferred, identify the benefits derived from adoption and identify the constraints to rice production in the area. Primary and secondary data were used for the study. Data were collected using structured questionnaire from 212 rice farmers. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results show that 59.9% of the respondents were male, and within the ages of 40 – 49 years. Majorities (58.0%) of the respondents were married and 60.8% of the farmers depend on extension agents for agricultural information while 63.7% preferred extension agents as source of information and all the improved technologies were adopted except processing technologies that were adopted below average with grand mean of 0.37. Increased output, acquisition of skills, expansion of farm land and increase in income were the major benefits derived by the farmers from adoption of the technologies. It is recommended that the extension agents should encourage the farmers to re-invest their income for more output and income. Government should assist in provision of storage and processing facilities to improve the quality of processed rice and available processing and storage facilities should be renovated

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