The Methodology of Research for Elaborating the Concept of High-Speed Rail Construction in Australia – Conclusions for Poland


Australian economy is considered to be one of the most stable and competitive ones in the world. The country is a trading partner for more than 200 countries, with a 20% share of export in GDP. The economy is mainly based on services which constitute approx. 75% of GDP [1]. According to the UN Human Development Index, Australia is the second country in the world, after Norway, as far as quality and average length of life, health service and freedom of economic activities are concerned. The society’s wealth constitutes one of the key factors that influence the number of cars as per person. The number of cars, which prevail among the passenger means of transport, and their harmful influence on the environment forced the government to focus on limiting the number of private cars by means of, among others, the concept of constructing high-speed rail

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