Suitability of meteorological data for interpreting ammonia concentrations on Ballynahone Bog SAC.


Meteorology plays a key role in atmospheric nitrogen (N) input to designated sites, in terms of local ammonia (NH3) concentrations and N deposition originating from local, regional and transboundary sources. An earlier study by Williams et al. (2021) compared how local prevailing wind patterns could affect atmospheric nitrogen dispersion and thus the measured NH3 concentrations at Ballynahone Bog Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Other meteorological variables that influence local NH3 emissions and therefore N input to sensitive habitats, are temperature, precipitation and humidity. To determine how local weather patterns influence NH3 concentrations on the bog, we therefore need to investigate these other, potential confounding, meteorological parameters, in addition to wind direction and wind speed. The aim of this study was to investigate local meteorological patterns and their temporal variability using locally measured weather data for the period October 2020 to September 2021

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