New Potential Potato Pest in Argentina, Maecolaspis bridarollii (Bechyné) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Eumolpinae)


En muestreos realizados en cultivos de papa en el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina), se registro la presencia de un crisomelido eumolpino del genero Maecolaspis (Bechyne) que ocasionaba severos danos en los tuberculos. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: identificar al adulto, aportar datos sobre su bionomia y caracteristicas del dano que produce. Como resultado se cita por primera vez a Maecolaspis bridarollii (Bechyne) en este cultivo; se redescribe y se aportan nuevos caracteres discriminatorios. Se observo que, a partir de mediados de marzo, las larvas que alcanzaron un mayor desarrollo, danan los tuberculos, haciendoles perforaciones profundas que desmejoran su calidad comercial.A chrysomelid of the genus Maecolaspis (Bechyné) was identified as the damaging agent to potato crops in samples obtained from the southeast of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina). The objectives of this research were to identify the adult insect and produce information on its bionomics and on the characteristics of the damage it causes. For the first time Maecolaspis bridarollii (Bechyné) is reported affecting potatoes. According to results, the best harvesting time to reduce damage was immediately after the potato crop completed its growth cycle, henee limiting exposure to the attack of mature M. bridarollii larvae on potato tubers. From mid-March the larvae that had reached full development bored into the tubers causing severe damage and affecting the commercial valué of harvested potato tubers.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

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