The Impact of Glaucomatous Visual Field Defects on Speed and Eye Movements during Reading


Objective: To investigate the link between glaucomatous visual field defects and reading performance by assessing reading speed and eye movements in reading. Methods: Eight glaucoma patients and 8 normal-sighted participants were recruited using convenience sampling in this cross-sectional study. The visual field was evaluated using the Humphrey Matrix 24-2. Reading speed was assessed in words per minute using Buari-Chen Malay Reading Chart and the SAH reading passages compendium. Eye movements in reading were recorded using 3D video-oculography. Results: Glaucoma and control groups displayed significant differences in reading speed (t=3.12; p0.05). Conclusion: The association of defect areas and types with reading speed but not with eye movements might suggest a different coping strategy between eye movement adjustment and reading adaptation in response to visual field defects. Significant association with fixation but not with saccades might indicate that the disengaged and engaged mechanisms of visual attention are affected differently by visual field defects

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