Affect, emotion and intensity in body training for performing


A diferencia de los relatos y descripciones sobre otras facetas del hacer teatro o de ser actor, la experiencia de actuar suele ser definida por quienes la transitan como algo dificil de explicar, como si se tratara de un tipo de experiencia eminentemente corporal y que se resiste a ser plasmada o reducida al orden del lenguaje articulado. A partir de un prolongado trabajo etnografico en el circuito teatral independiente de la ciudad de La Plata (Argentina) y atendiendo especialmente a los modos en los que la actuacion se ensena y entrena, en este trabajo me propongo abordar este tipo de experiencias y desglosar la espesura que presentan desde el punto de vista nativo. En pos de este objetivo, la nocion de afecto heredera de Spinoza y a las reflexiones socioantropologicas acerca de las emociones constituyen valiosas herramientas ya que, otorgandole a la corporalidad un lugar central, no escapan al problema de los vinculos entre cuerpo y palabra sino que ofrecen elementos para instalarnos precisamente alli en vias de elaborar una nocion de cuerpo mas abierta.In contrast to the accounts and descriptions about other aspects of doing theater or being an actor, the experience of acting is usually defined by those people who come into contact with it as something difficult to explain, as if it were an eminently corporal type of experience that resists to be shaped or reduced to the articulated language. On de basis of a long ethnographic workfield in the independent theater circuit of La Plata (Argentina) and paying special attention to the ways in which acting is taught and trained, in this work I propose to address this type of experiences and to break down the thickness they present from the native point of view. In pursuit of this goal, Spinoza's heiress notion of affection and socio-anthropological works about emotions are valuable tools because, they give a central place to corporality but they do not escape from the problem of the links between body and word, but, on the contrary, it offers elements to settle precisely there, in the process of elaborating a more open notion of body.Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociale

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