Rome is not only enriched by works that have given it the title of "eternal city", with those monuments that still preserve the stories of a strong people, such as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum or Castel Sant'Angelo. It is not only the symbolic center of Christianity thanks to the Basilica of San Peter or the neuralgic and figurative center of the Italian Republic with the Quirinale Palace. The history, art and culture of Rome tell a process of restoration and innovation that involves some timeless places, such as the Trajan Markets, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Ex Caserma Ferdinando di Savoia, Pontifical Lateran Library, Ex Mattatoio, Vatican Museums and other contemporary ones to serve the community, such as MACRO, MAXXI, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Centro Congressi La Nuvola, Nuova sede BNL Paribas, Città del Sole, Mercato Centrale, already known to the public. Another iconic period of Rome starts from the 1930s, a period in which the social and cultural revolution, the need for functionality and operation are represented by imposing modern works - public and residential - and large operations, signed by architects who have made the history of urban change including Piacentini, Quaroni, Fiorentino, Ridolfi, Moretti. Works such as the university city Sapienza and its institutes, the INA-CASA districts or the EUR district tell the formal transition between modernity and modernity