Metastatic renal cell carcinoma invading liver, duodenum and ivc, surgical treatment and literature review. A case report


Renal Cell Carcinoma has a biologic predisposition for direct vascular invasion: intravascular tumor thrombus is found in 5% to 20% of the cases inside the renal vein or the inferior vena cava. Despite new and effective conservative therapy such as targeted therapy and immunotherapy, cytoreductive nephrectomy and palliative nephrectomy continues to have an important role in T4 patient. The patient selection for cytoreductive nephrectomy should be done carefully. This report present an unique case of metastatic RCC with invasion of the duodenum, liver and retrohepatic IVC, the adopted surgical approach and a review of the literature. Complete surgical extirpation is possible in cases of RCC invading other organs such as pancreas, duodenum, liver, retroperitoneum and IVC. In this scenario, to narrow the possible intraoperative complication, a multidisciplinary approach and equipe is recommended

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