
H2020 CompactLight Project aims at designing the next generation of compact hard X-Rays Free-Electron Lasers, relying on very high accelerating gradients and on novel undulator concepts. CompactLight intends to design a compact Hard X-ray FEL facility based on very high-gradient acceleration in the X band of frequencies, on a very bright photo injector, and on short-period/superconductive undulators to enable smaller electron beam energy. If compared to existing facilities, the proposed facility will benefit from a lower electron beam energy, due to the enhanced undulators performance, be significantly more compact, as a consequence both of the lower energy and of the high-gradient X-band structures, have lower electrical power demand and a smaller footprint. CompactLight is a consortium of 24 institutes (21 European + 3 extra Europeans), gathering the world-leading experts both in the domains of X-band acceleration and undulator design

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