
Distributed Support for Intelligent Environments


This thesis describes research on methods for Ubiquitous/Pervasive Computing to better suit users in an Intelligent Environment. The approach is to create and equip a computing environment, such as our Active Office, with technologies that can identify user needs and meet these need in a timely, efficient and unobtrusive manner.¶ The critical issues in the Intelligent Environment are how to enable transparent, distributed computing to allow continued operation across changing circumstances and how to exploit the changing environment so that it is aware of the context of user location, the collection of nearby people and objects, accessible devices and changes to those objects over time.¶ Since the Intelligent Environment is an environment with rapid and rich computing processing, the distributed context processing architecture (DiCPA) was developed to manage and respond to rapidly changing aggregation of sensor data. This architecture is a scalable distributed context processing architecture that provides: 1. continued operation across changing circumstances for users, 2. the collection of nearby people and objects, 3. accessible devices and 4. the changes to those objects over time in the environment. The DiCPA approach focuses on how the Intelligent Environment provides context information for user location, user mobility and the user activity model. Users are assumed mobile within the Intelligent Environment and can rapidly change their access to relevant information and the availability of communications and computational resources.¶ Context-Aware Computing is a new approach in software engineering for Intelligent Environment. ..

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