Patrimonio e historia del sitio “Estancia Bertón”: Un rancho pampeano a la vera del camino, partido de Magdalena, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Se presentan las investigaciones realizadas en Estancia Bertón, un sitio histórico rural de la región bonaerense compuesto por ranchos a dos aguas de barro y paja, característicos de la historia de la región y abundantes en el pasado; de los que hoy se conservan pocos y en mal estado, por ello su valor patrimonial. Las construcciones corresponden a estructuras habitacionales y comerciales utilizadas como boliche o almacén de campo desde mediados del siglo XIX. Se caracterizó a sus propietarios a lo largo del tiempo, se realizó una excavación arqueológica y se analizaron los materiales y técnicas constructivas de las estructuras. Se aporta a la caracterización de la vida cotidiana de una familia rural y a las modificaciones del uso de los espacios en esta estancia. A partir de la articulación de información arqueológica, fuentes documentales y las representaciones de sus habitantes, se reflexiona sobre la conservación, destrucción y gestión del patrimonio histórico local, en particular sobre el rol que tienen diferentes actores en relación al tema.In this paper the research developed in Estancia Bertón site, a historical rural site located on the Provincial route N° 11 (Magdalena County, Buenos Aires Province), is presented. The site comprises a set of gabled ranches made with clay and straw which are characteristic of the history of the region and were abundant in the past. Only a few of them are preserved nowadays and in poor condition, which gives them their heritage value. These constructions were residential and commercial structures used as small grocery stores (boliches) or country stores (almacén de campo) since the mid-nineteenth century. In the present study the building’s owners were characterized over time. Also, an archaeological excavation was carried out and the materials and construction techniques of the structures were analyzed. The studied area has been inhabited since the beginning of the Hispanic occupation. Excavations revealed an archaeological context that includes a variety of materials in terms of type, morphology and origin, which are linked to the circulation and access of items such as tableware and beverage, perfume and pharmacy containers. Thus, some aspects of the daily life of a rural family were characterized, as well as the changes in the use of space within this ranch. Based on the articulation of archaeological data, documentary sources and representations of its inhabitants, it is reflects on the conservation, destruction and management of this local historical heritage, in particular on the role that different actors have on this issue. It is considered that all good could potentially become heritage to the extent that acquires a representative value for a community, which is who should make the patrimonialisation process. However, proper conservation and enhancement of heritage resources require the active participation of different spheres of state management.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

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