Cinemática del hidrógeno interestelar en las regiones de Scorpius y Lupus


The distribution of neutral hydrogen is studied in the region defined by (1). After subtracting a broad Gaussian component, which could be interpreted as the emission of a diffuse intercloud medium, a Gaussian analysis of the resulting profiles was carried out. The principal components are listed in Table 1. Component II, the most intense one, is interpreted as being identical with feature A of Lindblad 1967. However, its, Nₕ and velocity distributions show up a strong perturbation in a large area around the Lupus Loop. It is proposed that all the other narrow width components in Table 1 were blown off from Gould's belt main HI - shell due to supernova explosion which originated in the Lupus Loop SNR. As the paper will be published elsewhere, we give here only a synthesis.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

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