Restriction site patterns in the ribosomal DNA of Camelidae


The restriction map of rDNA from South American camelids and the Bactrian camel was analyzed by digestion of high-molecular-weight DNA with endonucleases EcoRI, BamHI and the two combined followed by Southern blot hybridization with probes for the 18S and 28S rDNA sequences. We scored a total of 17 restriction sites, six of which were mapped conserved in all the species. The other eleven corresponded to spacer regions and revealed variations between these taxa. The study showed that the two groups differ in the length of the internal transcribed spacer. Also they showed the existence of two regions of fast evolution on the opposite termini of the external spacer. A restriction site present at low frequency in the non-transcribed spacer of guanaco and llama was the only difference encountered within the South American group.Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celula

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