Codling moth prevention: Preserve antagonists in organic apple and pear orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)


Favourable practices will allow beneficials, such as Mastrus ridens, to better establish in the orchard, and help control codling moths. M. ridens are often found in orchards, but its population could also be increased with releases. Practical recommendations • Reduce plant protection products with negative side effects as much as possible, such as sulphur or insec-ticides, and those with broad spectrum effects like Spinosad and Pyrethrum. • Reduce fertilisation between the rows to decrease grass species and possibly favour dicotyledons. • Reduce mowing or soil tillage to keep a high weed cover – this acts as feed and habitat for beneficials. • Set up flower strips in the alleys and around the orchard to attract insects & spiders. • Maintain or renew surrounding hedges to help beneficials shelter. • Set up bat boxes and/or bird nests (about 10/ha for each type)

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