North Campus Open Space Restoration Project Restoration Plan


This Restoration Plan is the result of a collaborative effort between UCSB’s Cheadle Center for Biological Diversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER) and a team of consultants lead by Environmental Science Associates (ESA). ESA conducted studies and prepared the design and construction documents for the earthwork to restore the landform of the project site to conditions suitable to support estuarine and transitional habitats, and to restore the South Parcel mesa to topography similar to its historic form. True Nature Design led the design of public access elements and designed the recycled water irrigation system to provide establishment irrigation to the restored native plant communities. Stantec provided civil engineering designs for the structural components of the project public access elements (crossing structures and finished trail surfaces). CCBER designed the plan for the matrix of aquatic, wetland, and upland habitats to be restored to the site, including species selection; planting methods; and habitat features to benefit wildlife. CCBER also lead the development  of the maintenance and monitoring methods and adaptive management strategy.The intent of this Restoration Plan is to describe the methodology for post grading restoration, enhancement, monitoring, and management of native habitats within the North Campus Open Space (NCOS) Restoration Project

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