Diffuse sebaceous-gland hyperplasia


Diffuse sebaceous-gland hyperplasia is a rarevariant of sebaceous-gland hyperplasia that isdistinct from the well-known circumscribed type.The term presenile sebaceous hyperplasia has beenutilized to describe this entity that is distinguishedby specific features, which include confluence oflesions that results in the formation of large plaqueson the face, the sparing of periorificial regions, andhighly functional glandular hyperplasia that resultsin excessive sebaceous secretion. We present a43-year-old woman with monomorphous, skincoloredand yellow, smooth 1- to-3-mm papules,some with central umbilication, that spare theperiorificial zones. Histopathologic examination wassuggestive of diffuse sebaceous-gland hyperplasia.Differential diagnosis of this condition is broad andincludes syndromes that are associated with multiplefacial papules and malignant conditions, such asMuire-Torre syndrome and Cowden syndrome. Itis important to be aware of this condition in orderto consider appropriate treatment options, such asisotretinoin and to avoid unnecessary diagnostictests

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